Most popular names in Norway 2016

Nora has been the third most popular first name for girls in this century, after Emma and Sara. In 2016, Nora saw a jump in popularity, with the highest score since Emma in 2003/2004. William reached the top in 2015, and continued to grow in popularity in 2016.
Some names may include non-Norwegian letters. The management in the register has not been consistent. Therefore the non-Norwegian letters, if any, are translated.

Girls names

Boys names

First names Amount Per 1000
1 William 498 16
2 Oskar/Oscar 420 13
3 Lucas/Lukas 408 13
4 Mathias/Matias 397 12
5 Filip/Fillip/Philip/Phillip 396 12
6 Oliver 385 12
7 Jakob/Jacob 378 12
8 Emil 369 11
9 Noah/Noa 362 11
10 Aksel/Axel 359 11

Other popular names

Remy Julie
Anders Maren
Trygve Anna
Jørgen Minni

Rare names

Boys name Girls name
Danial Charline
Haris Indiana


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