Errors: p005

Successcriteria Rule/Error Line
1.3.1 An image of text has been used as a heading instead of using the appropriate semantic markup (H1, H2, etc.) 17
2.4.4, 2.4.9, 4.1.2 Each A element must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute. 36, 55, 84
2.4.1 Frame titles must not be the same as the frame file name. 24
1.1.1 IMG elements must have an ALT attribute. 17, 28, 37, 56, 85...
1.3.1 Mark up lists and list items properly. Avoid using images as bullets in lists created with DL, DT and DD. 28, 29, 30
2.4.1 No TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages. 21
3.2.1, 3.2.5 The page shows a popup when the page is loaded. 99
1.3.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 4.1.2 This element uses JavaScript to behave like a link. Links like this cannot be tabbed to from the keyboard and are not read out when screen readers list the links on a page. 34, 53, 82
3.2.2 This element uses JavaScript to launch a new window without warning as the user tabs through the controls. 67, 71, 75
2.4.1 This skip link is broken. The target anchor does not exist or is commented out. 20
1.1.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.9 Using ALT text which duplicates link text in the same link or the following link results in screen readers stuttering as the same text is read out twice. 44, 48
3.2.5 (AAA) Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank". 19
2.4.9 (AAA) Don't use generic text like "Click Here" or "Read More" in link text, because it says nothing about the link target when read out by a screen reader. 19
2.4.10 (AAA) Each section of content should begin with a heading element (H1, H2, H3), but this page has no headings. 1
2.4.9 (AAA) Several links on a page share the same link text, but go to different destinations. 35, 54, 83 (not Sortsite)
3.1.4 (AAA) Specify the expansion of each abbreviation or acronym in a document where it first occurs. 41